Divine Mother Sree Rama Devi manifested on this mortal plane on 4th March 1911 as the daughter of Sri Gopalakrishna Shenoy & Sree Sreedevi, a devout Saraswat Brahmin couple, in Mangalore, Karnataka.
She displayed signs of divinity right from her infancy. A wisdom well beyond her age and an astounding knowledge of scriptures and spirituality that manifested right from her childhood years proclaimed her divinity to all who came in contact with her. She was characterized by an unbounded maternal compassion for all living things which led to her devotees giving her the very apt title of the “Divine Mother”.
She taught her devotees how to follow the path to spirituality while dutifully carrying out the wordly commitments of a householder. She firmly advocated that one’s duties to one’s family and employer should not be compromised while following the spiritual path and she guided her devotees on how to achieve spirituality as a householder without heading towards the path to renunciation. She established the truth that pinnacle of spirituality can be achieved by remaining in Grihasthasramam
One noteworthy incident when she visited Thrissur was when she visited the Paramekkavu temple in Thrissur, the principal Devi temple in the town. Mother got out of the car totally immersed in a trance and with her eyes fully closed, she rushed straight into the sanctum sanctorum and stood right next to the idol in the sanctum sanctorum in Devi Bhava while thousands of onlookers who had gathered to see her, watched spellbound . The priest in the shrine immediately and without second thought began to offer aarathi to Divine Mother as she stood in the shrine. This was an unequivocal proclamation of her divinity as the supreme Devi herself and an unambiguous acceptance of the same by the thousands of onlookers present and by the priest of the temple. It should be noted that not a word or action in opposition or protest emanated from among the thousands of onlookers and administrative officials of the temple who were witness to mother rushing into the sanctum sanctorum. Rather the temple priest immediately and without question offered aarathi to Mother.
A unique aspect of Divine Mother Rama Devi was her ability to attain Bhavas, such as Krishna Bhava, Hanuman Bhava etc where she would assume the pose and form of these deities and sometimes remain immobile in these postures for hours on end…something a normal human being could not possibly do.
The force of Divine Mother Sree Rama Devi ‘s divinity brought millions of devotees to her lotus feet and led to the establishment of Mandalies all over India , in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Thane, Nashik, Coorg, Chennai, Bengaluru, Mangalore, to name a few and all over Kerala as well.
Divine mother established her residential abode in Shakti Nagar, Mangalore, where she resided until she attained Maha Samadhi on 1st November 1978.
Before attaining Maha Samadhi, she bequeathed her divine powers to her divine disciple Divine mother Sree Tara Devi proclaiming her as her successor. Mother had always made it clear about Divine Mother Sree Tara Devi’s equal divinity and had repeatedly stated – “She and I … We are One”